The UBBMed–STEM Section is composed of two related areas and serves both as a specific domain and as a transversal-dinamizing approach for the three clinical sections of the UBMed.
I. BioMedical Engineering & Technology (UBBMed-Tech)
Coordinators: Professor, PhD, Lucian Baia (physics-engineering) & Professor, PhD, Gilbert Gillich (engineering).
- Contact: /
Board of the Section: the Board, proposed by the coordinators, is the main decision body of the section.
This area involves various programs/units available in UBB:
- Medical physics/engineering (responsible: Associate professor, PhD, Balint Zoltan).
- Clinical-medicinal chemistry (responsible: Professor PhD, Gabriela Nemeș & Professor, PhD, Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu).
- Clinical biology – laboratories (responsible: Senior assistant professor, PhD, Alina Sesărman).
- Kinetotherapy (responsible: Professor, PhD, Dumitru Rareș Ciocoi-Pop),
- BSc/MSc programs and specific doctoral/postdoctoral/advanced research are associated to the area.
II. Bioinformatics and Big data (UBBMed-Digital)
Coordinators: Professor, PhD, Anca Andreica (computer science) and Professor, PhD, Horia Banciu (bioinformatics/biostatistics).
- Contacts: or
Board of the Section: the Board, proposed by the coordinators, is the main decision body of the section.
This area involves various programs/units available in UBB:
- UBB Supercomputer and its associated master program co-created with the German company Bosch.
- BSc/MSc programs (e.g., MSc in Bioinformatics) and specific doctoral/postdoctoral/advanced research are associated to the area.
UBB (1) has one of the best engineering/technology and computer science programs in Romania (often in Top-500 / Top-1000 in the world) based on major international academic rankings and (2) some of its specialists in the field were/are included in Top 1% (Web of Science) or Top-2% (Scopus) most cited scientists in the world. The European Institute of Innovation & Technology has its office for Romania at UBB (for the EIT Digital Section).