History & Vision & Mission

Brief History:

In 1776, the Empress Maria Tereza issued the foundation Diploma for the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Cluj (Universitas Claudiopolitana). The Faculty will evolve in the following Hungarian and then Romanian organisations of the University, but it was separated by it in 1948 by a communist decree/law. It was restarted in 2022 as UBBMed in the UBB School of Health.

Vision & Mission:

To use a complex bio-psycho-social/cultural model, based on personalised and evidence-based frameworks, in the context of advanced medical technology, to guide research, training (graduate / postgraduate / continuous education), and applications in human health/medicine. As a top comprehensive university, UBB is in the best position in Romania to develop a modern medicine of this comprehensive profile. Indeed, UBBMed is immersed in the comprehensive structure of UBB, therefore benefiting from UBB programs and advanced expertise in Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM), Social Science, and Arts&Humanities.

General Structure: 

At this moment, UBBMed works as a common framework for three independent clinical-research sections:

(1) Mental Health (UBBMed-Psy);

(2) General Physical Health (more systemic-transversal areas in medicine – like Oncology/Cancer, Internal Medicine, Surgery, etc) (UBBMed-G);

(3) Public Health (UBBMed-PublicH).

There are also two independent transversal sections (strong competitive advantages of UBBMed, as part of a comprehensive university):

(1) Biomedical Engineering / Technology (including Big Data & Bioinformatics) is developed within the program, important in itself and as a support for the three clinical sections (UBBMed-STEM, composed of UBBMed-Tech and UBBMed-Digital);

(2) BioMedical Ethics/Social Medicine & Health is also developed within the program, important in itself and as a support for the three clinical sections (UBBMed-Ethics&Social).

A Miscellaneous section includes various aspects that are more specific and/or in an incipient phase of development and/or general info. about UBBMed. For example, as the key research-intensive university in Romania (part of GUILD – European research-intensive universities), the UBB advanced academic/science programs in biology, chemistry, physics, and environment, independent and/or in collaborations, provide a strong preclinical support of the UBBMed.

General Leadership:

  • Strategic coordinator: The Executive Board of the UBB Council of Administration, headed by the UBB Rector, is the main decision body of the UBBMed.
    • Represented by Vice-rector, Professor, PhD, Balint Marko (marko.balint@ubbcluj.ro).
      • Address: No. 1 Kogălniceanu St., Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
    • Executive responsible: Professor, MD, PhD, Răzvan Cherecheș (razvan.m.chereches@gmail.co).
      • Address: No. 9 Clinicilor St., Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Section I (Clinical) – UBBMed-Psy

Coordinators: Professor, PhD, Anca Dobrean (psychology) & Adjunct Researcher, MD, PhD, Andreea Robe (psychiatry). Contact: ancadobrean@psychology.ro Board of the Section: the Board, composed of psychologists and psychiatrists proposed by the...
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Section II (Clinical) – UBBMed-G

Coordinators: Professor, PhD, Manuela Banciu (biology) & Researcher, MD, PhD, Cristina Pojoga (medicine – internal medicine / gastroenterology) Contact: manuela.banciu@ubbcluj.ro or cristina.pojoga@ubbcluj.ro Board of the Section: the Board, composed of...
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Section III (Clinical) – UBBMed-PublicH

Coordinator: Professor, MD, PhD, Marius Ungureanu (public health) Contact: marius.ungureanu@ubbcluj.ro Board of the Section: the Board, composed of medical and non-medical specialists proposed by the coordinator, is the main decision...
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Section IV (Transversal) – UBBMed-STEM

The UBBMed–STEM Section is composed of two related areas and serves both as a specific domain and as a transversal-dinamizing  approach for the three clinical sections of the UBMed. I....
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Section V (Transversal) – UBBMed-Etics&Social

UBB, with its schools of social sciences and humanities, is in the best position to contribute to a modern medicine, which is both ethical and social (e.g., acceptable by population...
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